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  1. Investor's order.

  2. WZiZT decision / excerpt from MPZT.

  3. Preliminary concept accepted.

  4. Investor materials:
    - Basic / situational-altitude map,
    - reference map,
    - Excerpts from the land register,
    - Excerpt from the land and mortgage register, or notarial deed confirming the ownership of the property,
    - Other opinions and arrangements required.

  5. Investor guidelines.

  6. Applicable regulations and standards.


  1. Description of the existing condition, indicating those development elements that require adaptation and those that require demolition;

  2. General description of the planned investment, land development principles, architectural (also aesthetic), program and functional, technical and technological assumptions;

  3. Technical description including chapters devoted to individual technical solutions in relation to construction, installations and technological solutions (the scope and detail of this part of the description will result, among others, from the architectural or multi-branch nature of the conceptual design);

  4. Principles of implementation phasing (in relation to multi-stage investments);

  5. Functional assumptions;

  6. A list of basic investment parameters such as:
    - Pd plot area;
    - Pz built-up area;
    - Ptz herbaceous area;
    - Ptu paved area;
    - investment area;
    - Pc total area (above-ground, underground);
    - Pu usable area, consisting of e.g.
    - Pum floor area,
    - Pulu usable area of the service premises,
    - space for sale or rent (usually required for commercial buildings),
    - Pr traffic area (general communication),
    - Pg service area - garage, technical and utility rooms;
    - K cubature.
    - Number of floors above ground;
    - Number of underground floors;
    - Building height (to the attic, to the ridge);
    - Number of parking spaces;
    - Number of garage spaces;

  7. Summary of detailed investment parameters such as:
    - Pc- total area;
    - Pub - usable, office (rental) area;
    - Pr- traffic (communication) area;
    - Pud- usable, additional area (hygiene and sanitary rooms, utility rooms, etc.);
    - Pu- usable area;
    - mp- number of parking (garage) places;
    broken down into individual buildings and floors.



  1. land development plan

  2. building plans

  3. sections

  4. facades

  5. perspectives or visualizations

  6. in addition, the study may include:
    - functional diagrams;
    - drawings of building fragments in plan or cross-section;
    - fragmentary drawings of the facade.

A conceptual design can be an architectural (considering industry conditions) or multi-branch (illustrating industry solutions and standards).

© 2011-2024 PROJEKTUJE Michał Marcinkowski.

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