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Basic designations adopted in Polish building law and standards for preparing project documentation.


Pz - building area.

  • In accordance with PN-ISO 9836: 1997, p. Built-up area is understood as the area of ​​the plot occupied by the building in a finished state.
    p. The built-up area is determined by a vertical projection of the outer edges of the building onto the land surface.

  • Pz includes: porticos, porches, verandas, clearances, loggias, alcoves

  • The Pz does not include the underground parts of the building and external parts of the building, such as: car ramps, wells at basement windows, external stairs, terraces, roofs, cornices, eaves, bay windows, overhangs of upper floors.


Pc - total area. (PN-ISO 9836: 1997, p. 5.1.3)

  • Pc - the total area is calculated in the outer contour of the building in finished condition, i.e. after plastering and exterior cladding at the level of all underground and above-ground usable levels.

Pc also includes that part of the surface of a non-usable roof, which has a height of at least 1.9 m from the floor to the bottom of the roof structure.

To Pc is added separately:

  • Pco - the surface of the external elements of the building not completely closed and uncovered (balconies)

  • Pcn - surface of external building elements not completely closed and covered (loggias)


Pn - net area.

  • According to PN-ISO 9836: 1997, p. The net area is the area limited by the closing elements. It is calculated for the dimensions of the building in a finished state, at floor level, not including skirting boards, thresholds, etc. Covered story surfaces that are not closed or are only partially closed and do not have closing elements (surfaces according to b) are calculated from vertical projection of the roof covering.

  • Mon includes:
    - internal (partition) walls,
    - pipes, ducts.

  • Mon does not include:
    - door and window openings,
    - alcoves.

  • Mon is divided into:
    - usable area,
    - service area,
    - movement area.


Pk - structure surface.

  • According to PN-ISO 9836: 1997, p. The surface of the structure is part of the total surface of the floor (floor plan) and it is the surface formed by closing elements (external and internal load-bearing walls) and surfaces of columns, ventilation risers, chimneys, partition walls and surfaces that cannot be crossed ...

  • Pk includes:
    - external walls (load-bearing, curtain),
    - internal walls (load-bearing, partition walls),
    - loggia casing walls,
    - cross-sectional area of ​​chimney lining, installation shafts, chutes,
    - construction of lift shafts together with their expansion joints, sound, moisture and heat insulation.


Pr - movement area.

  • According to PN-ISO 9836: 1997, p. The traffic area is the part of the net area that is intended for indoor traffic (e.g. surface of staircases, corridors, internal ramps and ramps, waiting rooms, escape balconies).

  • Dp Pr is included in:
    - entrance vestibules,
    - vestibules and lobbies including ramps, stairs, etc., which are contained within them,
    - staircases,
    - vestibules in front of staircases,
    - crane shafts (only at the level of the first stop).

  • Pr does not include:
    - horizontal and vertical communication surfaces in single-family buildings, farm buildings and individual recreation as well as in multi-level apartments,
    - the area under the staircase runs at the level of the lower floor, or above a part of the upper run of the stairs, if they have been built-up and qualified as other utility functions.


Pu - usable area is the part of the net floor area that corresponds to the purposes and purpose of the building.

Usable area measurement rules according to PN-ISO 9836: 1997:

  • measurement at floor level in a completely finished state;

  • recesses in the walls with an area of ​​more than 0.1 sq m are not added to the surface of the apartment;

  • external surfaces not closed from all sides, accessible from a given room (balconies, loggias, terraces, etc.) are added to its surface (apartment, commercial premises), showing separately: uncovered surfaces (balconies, terraces), covered surfaces (loggias);

  • accuracy of measurements and calculations of the area up to 0.01 sq m

Rules for measuring the usable area according to PN-70 / B-02365:

  • measurement one meter above the floor in a raw state, i.e. without plasters and claddings made on site;

  • recesses in the walls with an area of ​​more than 0.1 sq m are added to the surface of the apartment;

  • external areas not closed from all sides accessible from the given room (balconies, loggias, terraces, etc.) are not included in the area of ​​the room or the flat or business premises;

  • accuracy of measurements and calculations of the area up to 0.1 sq m


Pg - service area (technical and utility rooms serving the whole building)


Pum - usable floor space of apartments , which is divided into:

  • Pp - basic surface.

  • Pd - additional surface


Pun - rent / sales area
Act on spatial planning and development
Art. 2. Whenever the Act refers to:
19) sales area - it shall be understood as that part of the publicly available area of ​​a commercial facility constituting the entire technical and usable area, intended for retail sale, in which the direct sale of goods takes place (without including service and gastronomy areas and auxiliary space, which includes areas warehouses, offices, communications, exhibitions, etc.)


K - volume. (PN-ISO 9836: 1997, p. 5.2)

  • Kb - gross volume

  • Kbz - Gross volume of the building, or parts thereof, closed on all sides and covered (p. 5.2.2 of the standard)
    (usable and non-usable attic, bay windows, glazed verandas and greenhouses, winter gardens integrally connected with the building)

  • Kbn - Gross volume of the building or parts thereof not closed on all sides but covered (see 5.2.3 of the standard)
    (loggias, arcades, crossings)

  • Kbo - Gross volume of the building or parts of it not closed on all sides and not covered (see 5.2.4 of the standard)
    (balconies, terraces)

  • Kb = KBZ + NSC + KBO

  • Kn - Net volume (p. 5.2.5 of the standard)


Bibliography: Władysław Korzeniewski: Calculation of the area and volume of buildings. Warsaw: PPP Central Building Information Center, 2004, ISBN 83-89144-21-2.

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