Requirements for the minimum active flap area: % of the projection surface.
The minimum area of one hole for a smoke damper in m2.
Aeration - air replenishment must be provided.
Low buildings N > 5% , > 1 m2 ,
Medium high buildings SW > 5% , > 1 m2 ,
High buildings W > 7.5% , > 1.5 m2 .
Horizontal escape routes :
1 flap / each 10 m escape route length,
> 0.9 m2 .
Crane shafts:
> 2.5%
> 0.5 m2 .
Collective rooms (theater and entertainment halls, assembly halls, restaurants, sports halls) :
> 3%.
Theater scenes:
with floor area up to 150 m2 > 3% ,
with a floor area over 150 m2 should be calculated according to the formula:
Though = 0,5√2F-100
F - floor area of the stage box, in square meters
Acz - required active surface of smoke vents
In order to ensure full use of the active surface of smoke dampers, an appropriate number of openings should be provided, through which make-up air passes, located in the lower parts of the room. The geometric area of the air inlet openings should be at least 30% larger than the sum of the geometric surfaces of all smoke flaps in relation to the surface of the under-roof space separated by smoke curtains of the roof with the largest active surface of the installed flaps.
It is possible here to include windows in the lower part of the room and doors that can be opened from the outside in the event of a fire.
Polish Standard PN-B-02877-4 Fire Protection of Buildings. Gravity installations for smoke and heat removal. Design principles.
Table 1
The terms used in the regulation: non-flammable, non-flammable, low-flammable, easily dripping, self-extinguishing, intensely smoky (excluding floors - including floor coverings) correspond to fire reaction classes, in accordance with Polish Standard PN-EN 13501-1: 2008 " Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 1: Classification based on tests on reaction to fire ', given in column 2 of Table 1.
Table 2. Floors.
The terms used in the regulation: non-flammable, non-flammable, flame-retardant, intensely smoking for floors (including floor coverings) correspond to fire reaction classes, in accordance with Polish Standard PN-EN 13501‑1: 2008 "Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 1: Classification based on a reaction to fire test ", given in column 2 of table 2.